Let's meet...
Step 1
​Call or email The Landscaping Company - TLC
to register your interest in receiving a free,
no obligation on-site quote
Step 2
Receive a call or reply
email from our estimator -
make an appointment
Step 3
Meet Tony on site
​Step 4
Receive a written quote via email or post and consider our offer...
Not perfect yet? See Step 5...
Like it? Go to Step 6
Step 5
Call or email The Landscaping Company - TLC with any queries or comments -
we are happy to revise our quote until we have it right.
Step 6
Happy to book us in?
Call or email The Landscaping Company - TLC and let us share the joy...
Step 7
Receive a package of documents including
a welcome letter/email, contracts, T's & C's, deposit invoice and more.
Step 8
If the contract looks good, sign away and pay your deposit.
If you think changes are needed on the contract,
let us know what changes you would like us to consider on your contract.
Return papers to The Landscaping Company - TLC and you're done...
We'll keep you updated re the start date
as we move closer to the day.
Not ready to meet?
​Step 1
Call or email The Landscaping Company - TLC to register your interest in receiving a free, no obligation quote from plan
Step 2
Email your 'to-scale' plans to
The Landscaping Company - TLC with a list of
works you'd like priced.
Step 3
See Step 4